The 2025 Bundaberg Cup will be held at the Greg Duncan Fields located at Isis Highway & University Drive, Bundaberg. The venue is located 4 hours from Brisbane and 10 minutes from the heart of Bundaberg.
The Bundaberg Cup utilises 8 fields to run over 200 games during the two days. Make sure you check out ‘The Hub’ during your time at the event, this will have everything you will need for the day including; shaded chill out zones, activations and goodies from our event partners plus a variety of options available to grab a bite to eat. The Hub is also the best spot to watch the main field.
The Beer Garden is positioned right in front of the main field and will provide shade, entertainment and refreshing alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages to cool you down.
All parking can be located within the Bundaberg Touch Association. Access to the venue can be found off University Drive & Showground Lane.
Parking is not allowed along the middle road within the venue, to allow for safe pedestrian access. There will also be no parking allowed on Hinkler Tourist Park Road.
There will be parking marshalling located around the venue to assist you in locating a park. Please be respectful of these volunteers and drive at 10km around the venue.
Please take note of the out of bounds parking area on the parking map.
For spectators who require a parking permit for disabled patrons, please contact the QLD Touch Football office 07 3367 6254.